We provide advice to people in Nelson and Tasman who are struggling to find rental accommodation.
If you are looking for housing advice, please give us a call on freephone 0800 266 325 or 03 546 9568 or email us.
We have compiled a guide to rental and temporary accommodation in Nelson, Richmond and Motueka and support agencies that can help.
We conduct research in collaboration with other community organisations to assess and monitor levels of housing need in the Nelson area - beyond what is counted by the MSD Housing Register.
We track queries for housing and report to the Nelson City Council, Ministry for Social Development and relevant funders. We also participate in the Housing Solutions Forum, which includes local and central government agencies and housing providers.
Our aims are to improve understanding of real housing needs in our community, and better inform council and government investment in affordable and social housing, in order to get more housing built for people who need it.
We really appreciate funding support for this project from:
Here are the most recent survey results: